
Adult Ministries

We offer an array of ministry opportunities for all ages of adults including Sunday School classes for different ages, Service opportunities within the church as well as outside the church, and many other opportunities.

Youth Ministry

We have a small but growing youth ministry that offers opportunity for Spiritual growth as well as fun and fellowship.

Children's Ministry

Our Children's ministry consists of an annual VBS in the summer, Easter Egg Hunt at Easter, Sunday School classes for Nursery through 6th grade, Bible Study class on Wednesday night, and Children's Church every 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays.


We are a member of the East Cullman Baptist Association where we have opportunities for people to participate in several different mission opportunities such as an annual building mission trip, Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief, Women on Mission projects, community help projects, and several others. In addition to this we are also seeking to partner with other churches and mission organizations to have opportunities to go on missions annually.